Inimesena, kes teab kuidas saksa keelde delikaatselt suhtuda, karjun öistel tänavatel: "Hitler kaputt! Hitler kaputt!"
Kuid tummad näod akendel tunnistavad, et vanad liidrid on visad ununema.
Othello (feat William Shakespeare)
1 kuu tagasi
29 kommentaari:
Sa oled nagu mingi polüglott kohe.
Kas kaputt on midagi sarnast kui kapott aint, et turbo avadega?
Kirjutame ameonale ka miskit ve? Kirjutame!
kusjuures see, et justkui mina oleks Ameona bloogi jõlland, on ilge vale
Jajah. Järgmiseks selgub, et sina oled ta tulevase lapse isa ja ta tahaks, et sa sellele sigitisele Tallinna üüratukallitest kaltsukatest odavaid sipukaid hangiks.
no või tahab niisama ilma keeleeksamita kodakodsust saada.
Mulle meeldib Ameona
Mulle meeldib Lindsai Lohan ka, kuigi tal on ilusad tederetäpid nigu pärast öist pipimängu
kirjutasin talle ka pugemiskirja
ma ka!
Soomlased ja eestlased vennastuvad blogides - väga armas. Sellest kujuneb veel uus trend, pange mu sõnu tähele.
Its nothing - "Ilge vale" meant in estonian - "Hugh Whale". It is like importent chief
kust ma nii sita ingliskeele sain?
So your son is about in my age. Even though I'm not growing anymore. I'm getting smaller and smaller. It's like the same miracle but reversed.
That was deep.
It´s simple - You are my son
but i dont know about that
I think I'm too feminine to be anybody's son.
nowodays it cant be a pig problem?
But now i must go to sleep, because tomorrow in estonia is a pig snowman festival and anybody who dont go to sleep, cant wait a snow and cant be a winner of that contest of snowmans (what ever taht all means)
We estonians like all people very much. Niggers too. I have Kenyan back up team for that well known snow man festival. well. Wilhelm Tell was geyperson.
Ameona, you must eat more! There In Estonia for example is really popular right now to have large bottom and large head.
small is not beutiful!
Smell is beutiful!
So who won the contest?
We won ( me and kenyan team) black snowman had really big succsess there. I think we will publisch our snowman songs CD internatinally. I play drumms and basses. Kenyan folks will run and jump and just look pretty.
I also won! My snowman was yellow!
My mother always told me. Do not eat yellow snowman. It may be just frozen chainise.
(chainise is kitajets po finski!)
Net! Chainiis eto Tshai pljus petshenije!
ameona kustutab kommentaare hoolsalt:)
Who the fuck is Lindsi Lohan
Is she eats yellow snow.
seda veel, et vanad piidrid on ka visad ununema. Linnar Priimägi näiteks ei iial läe mul meelest.
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